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Volunteers Needed

Volunteer Positions for 2021/2022 PAC Exec Team:


  • Chair or Vice-Chair - Works together organizing the schedule of events, overseeing events, co-ordinates volunteers, works closely with the Principal, is a signing financial officer, convenes and presides meetings and much more. FILLED

  • Treasurer - Is responsible for and report on the accounts of the PAC, is a signing officer, prepares a budget, completes a gaming application, keeps an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures, pays all bills and accounts approved by the PAC, reports at each PAC meeting and is preferably a two year commitment. FILLED

  • Secretary - Prepares minutes of meetings and circulates them to the Executive, issues corespondance when necessary. FILLED

  • DPAC Representative - Attends DPAC meetings on behalf of the PAC and reports on whats happening in the Delta School District, receives, circulates and posts DPAC newsletters, brochures and announcements. STILL NEEDED

  • Members at Large - Attends general PAC meetings and Executive meetings. Duties may include chairing special events, fundraising, sitting on organizing committees, providing general support to the PAC Executive. FILLED


Volunteer Positions for 2021/2022 Events:

If you are able to volunteer for any events please fill out the form below and we will contact you when the time comes. Events don't happen without awesome parents to pull them off! 


  • Parent Social - September/October

  • Movie Night - October

  • Neufeld's Farms - November

  • Wreaths - November

  • Christmas Bake Sale and Craft Fair - December

  • Christmas concert/stage art - December

  • Book and Game Sale - January

  • Gala - February

  • Freezie Fridays - April-June

  • Teacher Appreciation Lunch - May

  • Carnival - May

  • Sports Day Concession - June

  • Playground Team - seasonal

  • Hot Lunch - bi-weekly

  • Teacher support - weekly


Volunteer with the PAC

Thanks for being awesome!

English Bluff Elementary PAC

Contact Us

402 English Bluff Road

Delta, BC V4M 2N2


    Stay up to date with school events, activities, PAC meetings and more, by joining our PAC community. Please read the email updates and check our website for the latest info.

    Get in Touch

    Thanks for submitting!

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