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PAC Meetings

Meetings are a great way to stay in the loop with upcoming events, learn about the budget and provide feedback and ideas.  

AGM - June 22/2021 at playground picnic tables

This is the meeting where we vote on PAC positions for the following year. If you are interested in one of these positions please attend. Fundraising events and budget to be discussed. Click here to RSVP.

PAC Executive Meeting Oct/ 2021 in the Library

For the Executive council to discuss and schedule 2021/2022 events, funds for Covid recovery, PAC funded field trips, specialty learning and assign volunteers. anyone can attend but it is preferred parents attend the regular PAC meetings.

PAC Meeting - Oct/ 2021 in the Library

Will be discussing 2021/2022 events, funds for Covid recovery, PAC funded field trips, specialty learning and budget.

English Bluff Elementary PAC

Contact Us

402 English Bluff Road

Delta, BC V4M 2N2


    Stay up to date with school events, activities, PAC meetings and more, by joining our PAC community. Please read the email updates and check our website for the latest info.

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